#6 Sleepless in Southampton

Southampton, September 10, 2023, 01:38 AM

It’s less than twelve hours to the start of our grand adventure. Unbelievable. For four years, we have been preparing for this moment. Now, there’s only the last part left: to sail around the world.

The past weeks have been busy. We have been working hard on the boat and sailed and tested the sails and finetuned the repaired rig. We’ve also had a lot of fun together and made many new friends from the other boats. Everything is now done and in good shape. We are ready to go. Feels great!

It’s quiet onboard Galiana WithSecure. Most of our team members are spending the night ashore together with their families.

During the last two days, I have had a wonderful opportunity to spend time with my loved ones: my two daughters and a son-in-law candidate ;-), my mother, sister, and her husband. The fact that they and dozens of friends and families of my team members have travelled all the way here to England to see us off makes me better understand the scale of our journey. Something big is about to begin.

Tomorrow morning at 8:30, we will switch off our phones and put them in a box which will be sealed. We’ll be back online sometime in mid-October in Cape Town.

See you then!

Friends and Families onboard GalianaWithsecure

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    Ville Norra

    Ville Norra

    Ville has worked at Quuppa as the Creative Director since late 2014. Currently, his role is divided between marketing communications and product development. Before joining Quuppa, he was an entrepreneur in the advertising industry, Quuppa being one of his clients, so you could say Ville has been with us since the very beginning.

    Throughout his life, sailing has been Ville’s passion; he spends most of the summer evenings, weekends and holidays sailing. He has been actively racing in the 6mR class for over ten years and has participated in numerous offshore races since the late 1980s.

    “For me, sailing is the absolute way to relax and recharge. Once the lines are cast off, all the worries are left ashore. It’s just you and the sea, the wind, the boat, and your crew. And even though you always should have a plan, Mother Nature may offer you something else. So you must be prepared, act according to the situation, and stay humble. Which is a good rule for life in general.”