Quuppa Code of Conduct

Quuppa Code of Conduct sets out standards that guide us to conduct ourselves professionally, responsibly, and ethically in all our business activities. Please read it carefully and discuss its contents with your manager and colleagues. Our Code of Conduct applies to all Quuppa employees, including temporary employees, trainees and consultants. Our managers and leaders have a special responsibility to adhere to the Code of Conduct and applicable laws and regulations. Failure to comply with our Code of Conduct or applicable laws can result in serious consequences for both Quuppa and you. For this reason, we ask each of us to take these matters seriously and always keep in mind the best interests of the company.


Anti-bribery and Anti-corruption

Corruption means the abuse of power for personal gain. This may involve the payment of monetary bribe between individuals or other compensation or benefit outside of the normal and legal course of business. Seek to avoid conflicts of interest and be transparent with them where they exist. A conflict of interest exists when your personal interest conflict or appears to conflict with Quuppa’s interest. As a general rule, both active and passive bribery are criminal offences. Active bribery refers to giving or offering a bribe, while passive bribery refers to accepting or soliciting a bribe. Punishments for bribery offences vary from fines to imprisonment.
Any form of corruption or bribery undermines trust in our company and its leaders and employees. For this reason, Quuppa has a zero-tolerance policy towards any form of bribery or corruption. Every employee shall take responsibility for preventing bribery and corruption, including acts of bribery, facilitation of payment and inappropriate gifts, hospitality, and favours. As a Quuppa representative, do not under any circumstances accept or offer money or anything else of value if it is offered with the intent to induce a person to grant any improper or illegal commercial advantage. If you witness any bribery or corruption or wonder whether such an attempt has occurred, report it immediately to the Quuppa CEO and CLO.


Compliance with Laws and Export Control

Regulatory compliance requires companies to abide by the laws and regulations that apply in their industry. All Quuppa employees must ensure compliance with laws and regulations.
As a company that exports hardware and software, Quuppa shall also comply with applicable export controls, trade sanctions and regulations that may restrict trade or export activities with certain countries, entities or individuals. These regulations aim at pressuring the targets from breaching international laws or human rights. Ensure you know who you are dealing with and never deal with sanctioned parties or countries.
If you are unsure whether a particular activity is legal, please contact Quuppa CLO and/or HR.



We value diversity at Quuppa. We welcome employees from different backgrounds. We want to create an open environment and provide equal opportunities regardless of race, ethnicity, age, disability, gender, sexual orientation or other personal characteristics. We do not tolerate any kind of discrimination based on individual characteristics. All of us Quuppa employees must conduct in a professional and cordial manner in our business activities. We have a zero-tolerance policy towards harassment of any kind.



Quuppa products and technologies can save our customers time, energy and resources. We also require our suppliers and contract manufacturers to protect the environment during their manufacturing processes. It is critical for us to limit the use of hazardous substances in our electronic devices. We encourage our employees and contractors to save energy and strive to reduce the amount of waste we produce. We avoid unnecessary business travel where possible, and we ask our employees to make cost-effective and environmentally friendly choices when travelling on business.


Health and Safety

Quuppa is committed to ensuring high standards of occupational health and safety management in all our operations. We promote a culture of physical and psychological safety at work. We encourage all Quuppians to be proactive and take responsibility to prevent work-related accidents. We all have a duty to inform the management of any safety issues that may cause or lead to occupational health or safety risks or accidents. Quuppa has issued office safety instructions which all Quuppians should familiarise themselves with. We provide extensive occupational healthcare services for our employees and ensure we have CPR-trained persons on our staff.


Intellectual Property Right

Intellectual property (IP) rights are an important part of Quuppa’s business. For example, our IP consists of copyrights, trade secrets, know-how, designs, trademarks, trade names and documentation related to our technology and products. We understand that our competitive edge depends on the effective protection of our IP. We all play an important role in protecting our IP and the brand and good reputation of Quuppa.


Labour Rights

Fundamental labour rights must be respected. We do not accept any form of forced or compulsory labour, child labour or discrimination in employment or occupation. Quuppa complies with labour laws and regulations. We do not tolerate working conditions or treatment that violate basic human rights promoted by the UN and the International Labour Organization (ILO).