Quuppa Launches New Partner Program to Boost Growth

QuuppaOne Will Offer a Variety of Tools to Assist Partners

(Helsinki 13.4.2021) – Quuppa, creator of the most accurate and reliable positioning platform in the world, has launched its QuuppaOne Partner Program. Through the program Quuppa, offers a variety of tools such as business planning, technical support, training, marketing, and even co-development, to support partners in scaling their business.

The Partner Ecosystem has been at the core of Quuppa’s existence and one of the key pillars in the company’s strategy since it was founded in 2012. Quuppa now has more than 200 partners globally who can leverage from the Partner Program. The partners are divided into various categories including Solution Partners, System Integrators, Tag Partners and Technology Partners and the program offering is customised for each partner type.

“Our mission is to create a location-enabled and connected world by offering a positioning platform but it’s really our partners who make what we do matter. We believe that the QuuppaOne Partner Program helps us to better focus, engage and support our strategic partners.” says Quuppa CEO Kimmo Kalliola.

The market for indoor positioning solutions is expanding at an incredible pace but isn’t yet considered truly mainstream. According to a MarketsandMarkets report the global indoor location market will grow from USD 6.1 billion in 2020 to USD 17.0 billion by 2025 *

“Last year alone we signed more than 60 partner agreements, so it is essential to have a more structured way of managing the channel. I believe that in the next few years the Quuppa Partner Ecosystem will be a key driver in shifting the entire indoor positioning market from niche to mainstream.” said Quuppa CMO Thomas Hasselman.

“As a Location-Aware Software company delivering solutions, we are very proud of our partnership with Quuppa. They have always been there to support us and help expand our business. The QuuppaOne program is the next step in strengthening the way we work together technically and commercially and will serve to make us both even more successful. We are excited to be a Quuppa Premium Partner in the manufacturing and logistics segments.” says Terence Phebey, Head of Sales and Marketing at INDUTRAX

“As one of the first partners since 2013, Nesa and Quuppa have worked tirelessly with a common goal to provide the best “dot on the map experience” across multiple industries. Today, we are proud to be officially recognised as a Quuppa Premium Partner and offer true intelligence and business value through our location solutions to companies via Quuppa Partner Ecosystem around the world.” comments Neil Salem, Founder and CEO of Nesa Solutions

Quuppa works with its global partner network to provide real-time locating systems (RTLS) and indoor positioning systems (IPS) across a variety of industries, including manufacturing and logistics, retail and hospitality, healthcare, sports, law enforcement and security.

About Quuppa

Quuppa is a leading technology provider for real-time locating systems (RTLS) and indoor positioning systems (IPS). The company was established in 2012 by a team of experienced engineers and scientists as a spin-off from Nokia Research Center and has since successfully commercialised its offering, creating a complete product platform: the Quuppa Intelligent Locating System™, a one-size-fits-all technology platform for location-based services and applications. Our platform offers companies a complete software suite of tools for planning, simulating and commissioning projects, that can be used as a solid and scalable foundation for building various location-based solutions. The open API makes it fast and easy to take the platform into use. To date, the Quuppa Ecosystem has more than 200 partners around the world who use Quuppa’s open, versatile and reliable positioning platform to deliver accurate, real-time and cost-effective location solutions to companies in a range of industries, including manufacturing and logistics, retail, healthcare, sports, law enforcement and security.

For more information, please see quuppa.com

Or contact sari-arjamo-tuominen@quuppa.com

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