Expose Global Reference Coordinates (WGS-84)

In the Quuppa Site Planner (QSP), you can place a Quuppa project into the global coordinate system using the World Geodetic System (WGS-84) as the reference coordinate system. This enables the QPE to expose the latitude and longitude data based on the reference coordinate system through the API.

To place the Quuppa project into the global coordinates, you'll need to match two very different scales: indoor positioning with accuracy of a few centimeters and global positioning where pinpoint precision is less relevant. This is possible as they both relate to the same physical world, but the utmost care must be taken to make sure the matching is accurate.

WGS-84 coordinates are not enabled by default in the QSP, so you'll need to enabled manually before taking them into use.

Important: Make sure that the coordinates you plan to use is based on the WGS-84 coordinate system. This feature has been designed for this coordinate system specifically.