Compatibility Guide

Quuppa Intelligent Locating System™ is comprised of integrated software and hardware solution to provide a comprehensive Real Time Location System (RTLS). There are many potential configurations depending on the size and type of locationing needs and how the system is designed to operate.

Software Compatibility

Quuppa Intelligent Locating System™ software is tested most extensively on Linux. Quuppa recommends the use of Linux for Quuppa systems wherever possible. Quuppa System software can be broadly divided into three separate categories: desktop software, the classic Quuppa Positioning Engine provided as software only and Quuppa for Enterprise, an end-to-end solution for any RTLS needs.

Desktop software

Quuppa provides the following desktop software for site planning and analysis:

  • Quuppa Site Planner (QSP)
  • Quuppa Data Player (QDP)

Quuppa desktop software runs on any Windows, Mac OS and Linux with a recent enough Java version. Quuppa produces .exe packages runnable on Windows and compatible launchers for Mac OS. This software is only needed when planning a new Quuppa site installation and for certain troubleshooting and maintenance tasks and is typically operated by technicians or other IT personnel.

Classic Quuppa Positioning Engine (QPE)

The classic QPE application is distributed as a Java Web Application Archive (.war) and is needed for controlling the locator network and computing tag positions. It is runnable in Apache Tomcat 9 or other Java Servlet containers (such as Jetty). It is primarily meant for partners and system integrations that are embedding QPE as part of their larger application suite, have custom security requirements and/or want to integrate with their own user management. The classic Quuppa Positioning Engine is tested to run with recent versions of Java on Linux kernels 4.15 - 6.8 and many different distributions, including Ubuntu, Fedora and Alma Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) binary-compatible distribution.

Quuppa for Enterprise

Quuppa for Enterprise is a full Real Time Location System (RTLS) and a suite of browser based applications with built-in security and centralized management. It is meant for enterprises that manage multiple sites and businesses with all encompassing needs to utilize RTLS systems. The enterprise QPE is distributed as a container based software that includes a recent version of Java and JVM configuration tuned for low latency and high throughput in RTLS use case. The container is typically pre-installed in a Quuppa controller hardware to simplify installation but is also runnable on any Linux-based VM or native Linux-based OS with an on-board Open Controller Initiative (OCI) compatible container engine (Docker, Podman etc.). Since running a large Quuppa RTLS system can be computationally intensive, simulating your system with Quuppa provided tools (i.e. Quuppa Site Planner) is required to appropriately size the controller hardware that powers the QPE. Quuppa provides several different Quuppa Controller HW models suitable for most RTLS sites, whether big or small.

Tested Versions

In the table below, you will find the setups that Quuppa has tested for running the Quuppa software. Using the latest tested versions will give you access to the latest features for optimising your project. The table is intended to be used as a rough guide for users setting up a new Quuppa system or updating an existing one (with the exception of Development Kit, which should only be updated using the in-built Update Controller functionality).
OS Version QPE QSP

Ubuntu 22.04, OpenJDK 21[1], Tomcat 9 (recommended)

Ubuntu 20.04, OpenJDK 17, Tomcat 9 (minimum)
Windows, OpenJDK 17
macOS, OpenJDK 17
Fedora 30/31, OpenJDK 17, Tomcat 9

[1]We recommend using the latest Java JRE version available.

Tag Hardware

For Quuppa project deployment, Quuppa firmly recommends that only Quuppa Approved Tags and/or Quuppa Tested Devices will be used. Quuppa supports projects containing Quuppa Approved Tags, Tested Devices tags and emulated smart devices, e.g. smartphones and handheld scanners. The Quuppa smart device emulation library can be found here:

Using non-tested third party tags (i.e. emulated tags) in a Quuppa project remains at customer's sole risk and customer's own support.

Important: Quuppa assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for the general recommendations provided in this document. Any and all liabilities and responsibilities of Quuppa are solely governed by legally binding agreements entered into by authorized signatories of Quuppa.