Update a Project Using the Offline Module for Generation Q Locators

The Offline Module is an optional module for Generation Q Locator subscriptions, which allows the Quuppa Positioning Engine (QPE) to run a project completely offline.

Note: The Offline Module needs to be purchased separately and paid in advance. If the module has not been enabled in advance, the QPE will stop running after 48 hours offline without a connection to the Quuppa Customer Portal as it is unable to verify license details or perform a file sync.

Using the Offline Module means that the QPE will not connect and sync with the Quuppa Customer Portal (QCP) and so any updates to the project file or license files will need to be transferred to the offline QPE manually. For example, if you renew your Quuppa subscription or make changes to your project file, you will need to update the files to the QPE.

This section will walk you through updating the project and license files for your offline QPE.

Update License Files Offline

When the QPE is run in the offline mode, the QPE will not sync with the QCP and the Locators will run for as long as the their subscriptions are valid. If a subscription is updated, e.g. you renew your Quuppa subscription, the new subscription files will need to be transferred manually to the offline QPE. To do so, follow the steps below.

  1. Log into the QCP with a device other than the offline QPE.
  2. From the Dashboard, navigate to the Project Keys list.
  3. Select the relevant Project Key ID to open the Project Key Details page.
  4. Download the license, signature and the sync files from QCP by clicking the Download files button on the Project Key Details page.
    Note: If you have submitted the latest project file to the QCP (optional with the Offline Module), these downloaded files will also include the project file and the project signature.
  5. Stop Tomcat.
  6. Unzip all the downloaded files and transfer them to the offline QPE's project folder (defined in the QPE configuration as -Dproject.folder) e.g. using a memory stick.
    Note: You can check the QPE’s project folder from the Working Directory row in the QPE Web Console.
  7. Start Tomcat.
  8. Check in the QPE Web Console that QPE is running in tracking mode and Project Sync Status is Disabled. You are now running the project offline.

Update Project File

If you need to make changes to a project file for a project that you are running using the Offline Module, you can update the file to the QPE using the following steps.

  1. Update and save the project file as needed using the Quuppa Site Planner (QSP).
  2. Use a thumb drive or similar device to transfer the file over to the offline QPE.
  3. Stop Tomcat.
  4. Save the project file in the quuppaprojectoverride folder in QPE's project folder so that it replaces the existing file in that folder.
    Note: Please note that only one .quuppaproject file can be stored in this folder at a time.
  5. Start Tomcat.
  6. Check in the QPE Web Console that QPE is running in tracking mode and Project Sync Status is Disabled. You are now running the project offline.

Update Files Using an Internet Connection

Another way to update the license files for your offline QPE is to temporarily connect the QPE to the internet so that you can access the QCP for long enough to download the latest file.

  1. Connect your offline QPE to the internet.
  2. In the QPE web console, click Do File Sync.
  3. Check that QPE is running in tracking mode and in Locator Details page Locator subscription details have been updated correctly.
  4. Disconnect the QPE from the internet.